
Tugas Matematika

 1.Nilai dari (5√5)^(-2) adalah... a. - 125 b. -1/125 c. 1/125 d. 125 Hasil dari 3√7×√8+5√14 adalah.... a. 15√29 b. 11√29 c. 15√14 d. 11√14 Urutan pecahan terbesar ke terkecil dari bilangan 0,3 ; 2/5 ; 35% ; 0,15 adalah.... a. 2/5 ; 35% ;  0,3 ; 0,15 b. 0,3 ; 2/5 ; 35% ; 0,15 c. 0,15 ; 0,3 ; 2/5 d. 0,15 ; 0,3 ; 35% ; 2/5 Jika HUT Kemerdekaan RI pada tanggal 17 Agustus adalah hari Minggu, Hari Pendidikan Nasional tanggal 2 Mei  pada tahun yang sama adalah... a. hari Selasa b. hari Rabu c. hari Kamis d. hari Jum'at Pada lomba matematika disediakan 50 soal. Sekor setiap soal diatur dengan aturan setiap jawaban benar diberi skor 4, jawaban salah diberi skor -2, dan tidak dijawab diberi skor -1. Hasan berhasil menjawab 46 soal dan memperoleh skor 132. Banyak soal yang dijawab benar oleh Hasan adalah..... a. 8 Soal b. 33 soal c. 28 soal d. 46 soal Diketahui D = 3/5 E dan E = 3/4 F. Perbandingan D, E dan F adalah... a. 3 : 4 : 5 b. 4 : 5 :

Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Read the following notice then answer question 1 and 2. 1. From the notice above, it means that … because of many sharp corals. A. visitors are allowed to swim along this area B. swimming is only for the visitors C. it is forbidden for visitors to swim along this area D. visitors enjoy swimming 2. Where do we usually find the notice? A. at the lake B. at the beach C. in the swimming pool D. at the waterfall Questions 3 and 4 are based on the following greeting card. 3. What is the purpose of the text? A. To suggest Leo to do the best B. To congratulate Leo as the winner C. To be the winner D. To invite Leo for winning 4. Why are Lia and her friends proud of Leo? A. Because Lia is Leo's best friend B. Because Leo is the winner C. Because Lia  congratules him as the winner D. Because Leo is their friend 5. What does Fauzie want Shinta to do at the first break? A. She discusses a problem with him B. She